Category Archive: Sebezaphone Success Stories

Share Your Stories

Tell us about your experiences with the Sebezaphone and we will tell the world about your experiences as part of “Short Takes”. Please tell us how the Sebezaphone is being used and the impact it is having on the reader and learner. Please invite users of the Sebezaphone to share their reactions to using it …

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Special Needs Case Study

A remedial teacher of 25 years reported the following case study about a 4th grade learner with a severe learning disability recently placed in a Cape Town ELSEN school. Description: The learner displayed very poor phonic awareness skills and was very negative about reading in general. She was unmotivated during reading sessions; resisted participating with …

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Lack of Fluency

A Grade 5 learner could read the words of the story but read the words individually and in a choppy manner. She was unable to respond to the teacher’s request that she read with expression and more fluency. Once she heard herself read using the Sebezaphone, she immediately was able to read as she spoke: …

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Limited Social Interaction

Story of the ‘Select Mute’ child: the parent and teacher of a nursery school child were unable to find a way to overcome the little boy’s choice of not speaking to his peers. He only spoke to the teacher when he felt he needed to, and at home he could express himself freely. The school …

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Non-focused, disruptive and highly active behaviour

When we visited a remedial maths class we were met by a group of extremely active children receiving maths support. They were jumping in and out of their seats and were having a lot of difficulty focusing on the task at hand. When they were each given a Sebezaphone, they immediately started speaking, reading and …

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