Alyce Miller is an education consultant of more than 20 years. She is driven by her passion to assist educators and children in discovering their voices through interactive learning strategies. With Co-operative Learning, she offers a rich array of practical and proven methods to effectively manage large classes of learners with diverse needs, promote intrinsic motivation to learn and work in high performance teams, and to develop learners’ communication and learning skills. Working closely with educators she applies these strategies across the curriculum to increase learners’ engagement and success in achieving learning outcomes.
Her publications include a curriculum for teaching metacognition which integrates Co-operative Learning and Multiple Intelligences in the teaching of high level thinking strategies for reading comprehension, writing and learning. Scenes from live classrooms can be seen in her professional training DVD Thinking Powers for Reading Comprehension: How to integrate reading into learning area teaching. The DVD with Educator’s Guide can be previewed and purchased from
Born in New York, Alyce has lived in Cape Town since 1978 with her husband Jonathan. They have two daughters, Joanna and Lorien.