Shared and Guided Writing Periods
After doing a Shared Writing Activity, have all learners re-read into their Sebezaphone the piece they have just written with the teacher. Invite them to consider different ways they could improve and/or edit the writing.
- When learners have completed doing a writing assignment, have them read it aloud into their Sebezaphone to listen to how it sounds, and to consider whether they have written what they wanted to say, and how they could make it even better. As they read aloud, they can also check their punctuation so ensure it matches how they are speaking their composition. Learners read aloud their own composition to check on meaning, spelling, and cohesion
ACROSS THE CURRICULUM with prescribed textbook reading
- Learners softly read the text into their Sebezaphone. Encourage them to stop after every section to do Think-Alouds. Learners switch hands and speak their thoughts into the Sebezaphone. Have them jot down their thoughts about the key ideas, connections and questions, on sticky-notes. They then stick them onto the page in the textbook. After reading the section, have learners share their ideas on the sticky notes with a partner to get more ideas and search for answers to each other’s questions, and to compare summaries of their key ideas and supporting examples.
- Think-Alouds in Maths and Sciences. Learners can verbalize their thinking processes when solving content-related thinking strategies and problem solving, such as Maths word problems. The process of thinking aloud is a highly effective learning tool. It promotes cognitive rehearsal which enables the brain to form new neural connections and pathways, and thus better process, learn and master the new material. If learners can speak in new ways, they can think in news. The Sebezaphone plays a vital role in learning.
- Learning content facts. Repeating facts in their phones provides an good method for mastering basic facts that is essential foundation for such subject areas, such as maths. Speaking provides cognitive rehearsal which helps establish neural pathways for automatic recall.