For whom does the Sebezaphone ring?
Young children – oral stimulation boosts language and neural pathway development
- Beginning, Emergent and Progressing Readers – assists in mastery of decoding skills – phonemes are heard more clearly and distinctly, enabling children to acquire phonemic awareness and stronger phonologic-processing neural pathways. Letters and letter patterns are more quickly connected to phonemes
- Transitional and Fluent Readers – improves fluency and confidence as readers and thinkers
- Struggling and adolescent learners – Sebezaphone provide a level of privacy and thus overcomes reluctance to read out loud due to self-consciousness and fear of embarrassment of peers hearing them read. The S-phones allow learners to practice out loud reading without others hearing them.
- ADD learners – improves focus and attention on task; learners are intentionally listening to their own voice and distracting background noises are removed.
- Second language learners – amplifies correct pronunciations and intonation, enables self-correction
- Hearing impaired learners –the voice is amplified for better hearing
- Remedial work with people with learning disabilities
- Speech therapy – auditory feedback assists in self-correction and fluency
- Home learning – develops phonemic awareness and ability to think along with text to construct personal meaning and to learn from reading
- Aspiring actors and oral readers (Readers’ Theatre) – immediate and auditory feedback on oral expression, articulation, fluency and intonation
- Everyone – develops metacognitive awareness and thinking strategies that good readers use to make personal meaning from the text, gain greater pleasure and understanding, and to learn from reading.