100 % WHOLE CLASS ENGAGEMENT. All learners practice reading at the same time in a quiet classroom! All learners speak with soft voices into their Sebezaphones and read their individual texts without being distracted by others’ reading.
- Promotes optimal use of allocated time: every child is engaged in individualised instruction throughout the entire period. All children can practice reading out loud, an activity associated with higher reading levels.
- Learners read at own pace and cross-check understanding of the information cues they get from the text. When they read an unknown word they ask themselves:
- Does it look right? Does the word I’m saying match the letter patterns I see?
- Does it make sense?
- Does it sound right, like the way we speak?
- Focuses attention on reading and making meaning of the author’s words. This promotes metacognitive awareness: knowing when the text makes sense and when the mind gets stuck or wanders away from paying attention to the text.
- Talking promotes cognitive rehearsal which develops neural pathways for language development, thinking, reading and computation, whatever needs to be learned.
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